Degeconek started its core business in 1993 in the area of seismic and petro-physical interpretation and also pioneered the use of computer workstation in Nigeria by an indigenous service company in 1998. The Lagos office is equipped with several Unix-based and Windows-based workstations. Software includes Landmark OpenWorks, Geographix, Petrel, Hampson-Rusell, RockDoc, OpenDTect and PowerLog. Other peripherals at the center include HP 800CM plotter, Printer, A0 Scanner, Neuralog Scanner and tape drives.
Detailed oil and gas project evaluation services include the following:
- Seismic Data Interpretation
- Formation Evaluation
- Mapping
- Volumetric calculations and reserve estimates
- Resource classification and calculation (Play, Lead, Prospect, Contingent & Reserve)
- Reserves and Production Estimation; Volumetric, Material balance, Production history, Analogy
- Reserve Audit and Competent Person’s Report
- Oil and Gas field development strategies including evacuation, utilization and commercialization